Covid 19 - Filming Safely

Covid 19 - Filming Safely

I really hope you and your families are well during this very strange time.

As the lockdown starts to ease, we will all need to adapt to a new normal.

Like all businesses operating during Covid-19, I am putting measures to ensure me and my team are able to work safely and provide our clients with a great level of service.

I am currently working from home with fast internet connections, allowing me to provide editing and zoom meetings when required. Also while whilst out on location I have put procedures in place to minimise the risk of contamination.

Here are some of the measures I have taken :

If any of the crew are showing signs of a fever, or a new consistent cough before the shoot, we will provide an alternative member of the crew where possible or reschedule the shoot if agreed. No member of my team will be assigned to any task if showing symptoms.

Each member of our crew will wear a face mask and carry hand sanitiser with them.

All equipment will be wiped down with disinfectant before and after the shoot.

For sound, we will use a shotgun / boom microphone supported by a tripod where possible. If a lapel mic is the preferred choice, the lapel mic will be put down, the person being filmed will collect the lapel mic and will be told safely from 1-2 meters away on how to put the lapel mic on. As always, the lapel mics will be sanitised before use and after.

Our camera operator will remain at least 2 meters away from the subject being filmed where possible.

I look forward to working with you soon.

Best Wishes



Cumbria and Helvellyn
